River Brothers
A mix between the ol' hand me downs from pops & top technologies of today.

Introducing to you, our very first proprietary camouflage pattern. The ultimate mix between the old traditional camouflage hand-me-downs that we earned as young guns & a complex 3-Tier depth of field altering perspective that makes it difficult for the game that you are pursuing to designate your body's silhouette in relative environments.
Moving Forward // We look forward to spreading these patterns further into our product lines as we grow as a company & our brand.
The RB Marsh Camouflage Pattern brings back a classic blotch-style pattern, combined with a 3-Tier pattern engineered to break up your foreground and background while adding a perspective depth of field that makes it difficult for game to focus on the exterior outline of your body’s silhouette when hunting both field and marsh environments.

The RB Deepwoods Camouflage Pattern brings back a classic blotch-style pattern, which is combined with a 3-Tier pattern engineered to break up your foreground and background while adding a perspective depth of field that makes it difficult for game to focus on the exterior outline of your body’s silhouette while hunting in heavily wooded environments.
The RB Arctic Tundra Camouflage Pattern brings back a classic blotch-style pattern, which is combined with a 3-Tier pattern engineered to break up your foreground and background while adding a perspective depth of field that makes it difficult for game to focus on the exterior outline of your body’s silhouette while hunting in snow covered environments.

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